Filippa Firenze x WoMen on Top | The FeMale Empowerment Event 2023


Feminism, equal rights and equal opportunities regardless of gender or age - that's what "WoMen on Top" stands for! Thanks to bestselling author & journalist Nena Brockhaus, TV presenter Franca Lehfeldt & actress Vivien Wulf, this vision is taking shape ➡️ in the form of an incomparably enriching, encouraging and inspiring series of events. This year, Filippa Firenze's accessories will once again find a sponsorship place in the high-end goodie bag, the proceeds of which will go to a charitable cause. It feels like more than half of all invited guests are wearing our jewelry thanks to you - that's empowerment in action!

For more insights into this truly enriching event, click through the slide show ⬇ (© Tatiana Huber)