Travel tips Capri - The most beautiful locations & insider tips

Say Yes to New Adventures

"On Capri, a woman not only lives the seasons, she lives life, love and passion." — Dolce & Gabbana

This is how the fashion icons Dolce & Gabbana revealed themselves in a beautiful little guest booklet. It is filled with images of the island and those legendary women who have fallen in love with the island over the centuries: Jackie Kennedy Onassis, Liz Taylor, Ingrid Bergmann.

Oh how right they were! As soon as you arrive in Marina Grande, you leave all reality behind and immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere that this island has to offer. One immediately feels the presence of all the greats of the past, who have left their mark here and who make up the splendor of the place.

A perfect start on the dream island of Capri

Every visit to Capri begins and ends by boat in Marina Grande - except, of course, for those who travel to the island by helicopter. The suitcase is handed over to the local porter, who confidently sends it (Don't forget to tip!) to the reserved hotel. Now you can choose between a taxi or the queue for the vintage tram, also known as the "Funicolare" - and you'll be up the mountain faster than you can say "limoncello".

Capri's Catwalk: The Piazzetta

Once at the top, cross the Piazzetta - Capri's central "catwalk" in the heart of the medieval city. The scenery shines like a perfect stage set and also offers a very special kind of spectacle: Four rival bars compete for the favor of passers-by here from morning until late at night.

When the aperitivo hour approaches (and the daytime tourists have left) the true "Dolce Vita" begins and you can discover great fashion, relaxed elegance and the odd celebrity.

Endless views and picturesque landscapes

Apart from the "glitz & glam" and the beautiful sea (especially the famous Grotta Azzurra), the island offers endless views that have been the setting for great novels and films over the centuries: for example in the famous film "It started in Naples" with Clark Gable or the film "Il Postino" inspired by the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda.

The Monument of the Island: The Faraglioni Rock

Besides the beautiful Faraglioni rock, the most famous view is the Via Krupp, which has recently been reopened after a long restoration. Named after the German industrialist,

meanders down the famous street to Marina Piccola, a charming little beach hangout overshadowed by towering cliffs. Roads are few (and even fewer cars) in Capri. For longer distances it is best to take one of the characteristic, open Fiat taxis. With a bit of luck, you might even catch the famous red classic car!

The culinary highlights of the island

The island also has a lot to offer in culinary terms: vines have been cultivated here for almost 3,000 years, and the juicy Caprisian pasta is considered the best in Italy! Unbeatable after dinner, however, is an ice-cold limoncello, pressed according to an old family recipe and made from local lemons.

Cheers, your Filippa Firenze team!

Entrepreneur & founder Kyra Kuklies

Kyra Kuklies
Entrepreneur & Founder of Filippa Firenze GmbH